for Glenn Gordon Wood
Photo 67 of 76 is a one-legged seagull in a supermarket parking lot.
Of all the unifying elements in a best friend’s camera—
The door opens with latecomers. The weather crawling their raincoats.
Of all the last calls coming down the skyline of bottles behind the bar,
it’s the one with the horse-headed decanter handle that I’m focusing on—
Of all places to put a pair of hooves.
Another peasant engaged in peasant pursuits, me & my American skin
sit on a stool like an octopus encased in its egg, forthcoming,
while outside the torrential downpour looks like a feature presentation
of tarantulas amassing at the border, tapping, taunting the windows—
But of all the bud light bullfights with miller and michelob light:
below the fold, this morning’s The Turbulent Times
ran with “LIFE
PASSED TODAY” as a headline—Thank G-d I read it as PAST
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