Cathedral of Cusco
Translated by Lynn Levin
Blindly attributed
to the Tenebrist Circle of San Blas
to the Anonymous One of Maras
to the Master of Taray
a little something
I have to say:
this painting
came from my own hands: I alone
painted, prepared, set forth the Sacred Meal
the cunning Indian painter—the Anonymous One of the Cathedral—
in a flight of ecstasy
added on his own initiative
hearty stews and the fruits of his harvest:
in place of
the holy bread—flat and unleavened—
I set upon on the paschal table
roasted cuy, stuffed peppers
spicy pepper
as if the Upper Room were not in the Holy Land
but more likely
in cozy tavern in Cusco, let’s say
“La Chola.”
Maras is a small Andean town in the Sacred Valley of Peru in the Cusco region. Before the Spanish conquest, this region was the center of the Inca civilization.
Taray is a village in the Sacred Valley of Peru.
is guinea pig, a staple of the Andean diet.
Chola is an affectionate name for an indigenous Andean girl or woman.
La Chola was, during the late twentieth century, a popular Cusco chichería
, a pub in which one could drink chicha, a fermented corn beverage, and eat typical Andean food.
This poem is from Odi Gonzales’s collection La Escuela de Cusco
[The School of Cusco], (Santiago de Surco, Peru: Ediciones el Santo Oficio-Gráficos, 2005). This translation by Lynn Levin was first published in Per Contra.
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