As Halloween approaches, I have no doubt that there will be a zombie invasion at my doorstep demanding candy rather than brains. Zombies have truly become a cornerstone of current a pop culture. You can find all sorts of awesome zombie costume ideas on Instructables this month to meet all your living-dead desires. There are even Zombie Runs, a 5K foot race where the participants must outrun a hoard of hungry zombies. There are also serious scientific papers using zombies as hypothetical models for disease outbreaks.
Happily, nature will save us long before the zombies take over everything.
“If the current plague of zombie movies and TV shows is any indication, people enjoy getting a little bit freaked out by the living dead. But, fear not, if zombie virus ever did begin turning humans into flesh-craving animated corpses, Mother Nature would quickly quell the invasion, naturalist David Mizejewski
argues at BoingBoing. In the wild, flesh is considered a delicacy, and, to many a hungry creature, zombies would be walking buffets rather than menaces.”
If you are interested in taking part in a zombie run, here are two websites to get you started
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