E-Verser Cynthia writes in:
I get occasional emails from a site called Instructables, directions on how to make EVERYTHING! Even things that probably should not be made but made just because you can.
Here is today’s most note-worthy one, Voluptuous Pillow Chairs.
Here’s a quote from the maker of this rather interesting conversation piece: “So I did what most maker-types would do when they get a wacky idea like this. They modify their original course, and pursue the wacky idea.”
However my favorite still remains the VCR turned into a toaster
I almost forgot! When you check out the VCR toaster, check out this youtube clip of the COOLEST TOASTER EVER (made in the UK)
You might also be interested in Instructable’s whole “Office Weapons” category.
I forgot that they have a whole Domo category on Instructables!
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