This poem appears in the new anthology, Best of the Raintown Review
, which you may purchase below. Edited by Anna Evans, Quincy Lehr, and Jeff Holt, it includes poems by John Foy, Rowan Ricardo Phillips, Erica Dawson, Kevin Cutrer, Jesse Anger, Rick Mullin, Sarah Busse, Jehanne Dubrow, Kevin O’Shea, Rory Waterman Anton Yakovlev, and many others.
White citadels melt into silhouettes,
Decks of fleece, big guns slimmed to flecks.
Their smoke thaws like frost warmed from a car’s window,
Arrayed like combine harvesters on the plains.
Maine rests at anchor in Yokohama,
Ohio in Suez, Kansas at Gibraltar.
Memories gauzed by so much white,
These clockwork specters, beautifully built
For battle, powdery blurs, each towing
Its empty thoughts behind, paired like lovers
On their grand stereoscopic divide,
Great instruments diminished to snow.
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