Courtesy of the ever-entertaining McSweeney’s
1. The Sacred Wood
2. Third Arm of Justice
3. The Well-Wrought Urn
4. Counter-statement
5. The True Cross
6. Outsider at the Heart of Things
7. Meat Maelstrom
8. Some Versions of Pastoral
9. Torch of Cupid
10. The Intentional Fallacy
11. The Lonely Tower
12. The Verbal Icon
13. The Powerprawn
14. The Living Principle
15. A Rhetoric of Irony
16. The Giving Tree
17. The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Poetry
18. The Fleshy Winnebago
New Criticism Literary Theory Book Titles: 1 (T.S. Eliot), 3 (Cleanth Brooks), 4 (Kenneth Burke), 6 (R.P. Blackmur), 8 (William Empson), 10 (W.K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley), 11 (T.R. Henn), 12 (W.K. Wimsatt), 14 (F.R. Leavis), 15 (Wayne C. Booth), 17 (Alex Davis and Lee M. Jenkins, eds.)
Self-Aggrandizing Male Genital Nicknames: 2, 5, 7, 13, 16, 18
And while you’re at it, visit the blog of the ever-entertaining Daniel Nester, one-man literary powerhouse.
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