It’s not often that poets get to perform for audiences greater than a few hundred. Well, Philadelphia gonzo poet Paul Siegell has agreed to appear as the only poet at the Lakeside Stride Bluegrass Festival in Denver, CO on October 19th. Because it takes place on Tennyson Street in Denver, he may even mix a bit of old Alfred’s verse into his set. Here’s his sales pitch.
Partnering with Planned Pethood Plus, the low-cost animal clinic on Tennyson Street in the historic Berkeley community of Denver, Colorado, the Lakeside Stride will feature national and local-level bluegrass talent, a poet from Philadelphia, a chili cook-off, and a morning 5K to boot. The Lakeside Stride’s mission is to create a culmination of community united by music and historic preservation.
Come shake it to Hot Buttered Rum featuring Allie Kral from Cornmeal, the Dead Winter Carpenters, the Old Town Pickers and the Highland Ramblers. Plus, Philadelphia poet Paul Siegell will treat us all to a special set from his book, jambandbootleg. Find the best dancin’ and runnin’ shoes you’ve got, bring your appetite and come on down to the Lakeside Stride.
+ Tickets are currently on sale
+ Facebook event page
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