The Lester Bangs, a new E-Verse drink, introduced only yesterday, has been altered in a key way.
E-Versers complained mostly about the inclusion of Red Bull. Typical responses included “that’s a white trash drink!” “that’s for ravers!” “that’s for kids!” “that’s for people who don’t read!”
Rest assured, your voices have been heard. The Red Bull component will hereby be replaced by . . . wait for it . . . Cream Soda! (With special thanks to David Yezzi.) Lester Bangs was, after all, the editor of the legendary Creem Magazine
(“America’s Only Rock ‘n’ Roll Magazine”). The terms “heavy metal” and “punk rock” both first appeared in its pages, and Lester Bangs used the magazine as an platform to issue daring personal challenges to such stars as The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, and Lou Reed.
I happen to live in a neighborhood that likes soda, so one may easily discover all sorts of obscure types of soda on the shelves of the corner mart. A&W Cream Soda was a cinch. I rushed home and tried it out, and both Lynn and I declare it a success. Now, go forth and drink a Lester Bangs.
The Lester Bangs
1. Place two maraschino cherries in chilled martini glass.
2. Add two spoons of cherry juice from jar.
3. Rub rim of glass gently with fresh mint leaf then place in glass.
4. Mix 2 parts pineapple juice, 1 part tonic water, 1 part cream soda, 1 part gin of choice.
5. Shake gin, pineapple juice, and cream soda vigorously with ice.
6. Pour into glass. Add cold tonic.
7. Serve on hot summer afternoon.
1 Comment
Although this sounds delicious, and I can’t wait for you to make me one, and Yezzi’s cream soda suggestion is inspired brilliance, don’t you think that the real Lester Bangs would have preferred, say, Thunderbird in a paper bag? Or kerosene filtered through a slice of white bread? Or at least to rub the rim of the glass with cocaine instead of your fancy mint leaf? Because, you know, that’s what Lou would have done.